Alanna Okun will be reading at The Difficult to Brunch Reading Marathon at Study Hall Gowanus on Saturday, May 21 at 1pm.
How is your spring going?
Spring has been rad so far, although there haven't been enough days where it's actually felt like spring. This is good, though, for hunkering and puttering and getting shit done.
What have you worked on in the past year that you're most happy with?
Speaking of! This year I wrote a book! It's about my favorite topics, which are crafting and feelings; it's also still very much a First Draft but I'm starting to show it to people and pummel it into shape. Mostly I am happy that I still like it, even after spending a lot of time locked in a staring contest with the Word document. (My small baggage is that I still write in Microsoft Word; my medium baggage is that I still buy songs on iTunes.)
What’s your favorite brunch spot?
My house tbh. In my boring advanced age I've started waking up early on weekends, much earlier than I can expect my friends to meet me anywhere, and besides I never really liked the practice of GOING somewhere (sometimes on the subway!) and WAITING and SPENDING MONEY and HAVING A HANGOVER BY 2:30.
This is to say: friends, please do still invite me to brunch, but know that I will show up having already eaten toast and mainlined a cup of coffee.
What can people expect from your reading?
Gonna read part of the book for the first time, I think. Also: if anyone can think of a title I will make them toast and coffee.