Bijan Stephen will be reading at DTN at Greenlight Bookstore PLG on Thursday, March 15th
You recently started working as the music critic at The Nation, which is such a perfect job for you. I loved your music writing from your days at Yale. Do you find that you're listening to more great music now or is it the same amount and you're just writing about it more?
Thanks for the kind words! The job has been fun, not least of all because it's now my job to listen to excellent music. I'm writing about it more and making myself listen to more — my current project (at least during the weekdays) is listening to one album I haven't heard a day.
Wow, it's March. What's your favorite thing to do in New York in Spring?
My favorite thing to do in spring is nothing, because it's nice to have unplanned time; I like walking around the city and taking everything in. Everyone always looks so good, so relieved that it's warm again. That's my favorite part.
What can people expect from your reading?
Haven't decided.