Gabriella Paiella will be reading at the Difficult to Name Reading Series on May 14 at Study Hall.
I used to feel like people didn't appreciate you enough on Twitter, but now I look and you have 7,000+ followers and everybody gets it (except Kevin sometimes). This gives me hope for the world. What's that experience been like for you?
Thank you Ryan. I've just tried to stay humble.
Your monthly Lucky Peach column with Anna Hezel, Deranged Crafts, is consistently shocking, absurd and hilarious. How did that come about?
Anna used to write a straightforward crafting column and would often stumble upon pretty weird and disgusting crafts on Pinterest while she was searching for ideas. She'd Gchat them to me, and I was obviously delighted by them, so I started scouring the depths of Pinterest for similar monstrosities. Then we realized we should probably do something with all these horrifying, often-cheese-based ideas we had stored away.
You recently started working as a staff writer for The Cut. How's that been so far?
I've really been enjoying it!
What's up with Fritz?
What can people expect for your reading?
No idea yet, but hopefully everyone will laugh, cry, and maybe release some other bodily fluids.