Mitra Jouhari will be reading at Difficult to Name at Greenlight Bookstore PLG on Thursday, March 15 // Photo by Sandy Honig
Between "It's A Guy Thing," your various live shows, writing for "The President's Show," acting in movies like "The Big Sick," your work with "Three Busy Debras," hilarious pieces you've written for McSweeney's and Reductress, is there any new medium left for you to tackle in 2018?
Hah! Well -- first of all, thank you for the kind words/list of activities!
There's definitely plenty more to do, but not a lot of other things that I'm actually *~good at~*. My goal is to just get better at the stuff I'm already doing now and hopefully get to see more scripts that I've written get made. And ideally get to keep acting in stuff. Also I would luv to be doing more with dance?????? I'm not great at it but I love doing it. Sheer lack of talent has never stopped me before!!
Wow, it's March. What's your favorite thing to do in New York in Spring?
I like to take a train a couple hours of the city and go for a nice hike or long walk. I guess my favorite thing to do in NYC is to leave it??? Just being able to walk places without being physically torn apart by wind and snow is dreamy.
What can people expect from your reading?
It will be dumb and disgusting but hopefully fun and funny too.