Alphonse Pierre will be reading at Difficult to Name on January 13.

Alphonse Pierre will be reading at Difficult to Name on January 13.

You have one of the funniest Twitter accounts. What are some of your favorite accounts?

Thanks a 14 year old writes my Tweets for me.  He's pretty cool.  My favorite accounts are probably @glock__lesnar he kinda just makes fun of people but I'm into that.  Also @big_business_ he's an industry paid Twitter plant I respect it.  

What are you looking forward to in 2018?

I need a pedicure but the guy I like to go to is out of the country until February. I'm gonna be talking my shit when he's back cause a good pedicure equals confidence so wait on it.  

What can people expect from your reading?

I'm reading Drake's outro from "Diamonds Dancing" so pettiness while I mumble.