Annalise Domenighini will be reading at Difficult to Name on July 8.
You have almost perfect taste in music. Has it always been like this or did you develop very good taste over time?
That's very kind of you to say. I've always had great instincts, but sometimes even they let me down. The secret is just not caring either way what other people think of your music taste, unless they're paying you to care.
I can't tell whether a lot of pop music is good. I always go back and forth on someone like Britney Spears. Britney Spears as a public personality is unquestionably good, but is Britney Spears' music good?
I personally don't believe in separating the art from the artist. We wouldn't have the public personality without the music, and vice versa!
What can people expect from your reading?
Disappointment, mostly.