A Brief Interview with Ben Atkinson
Ben Atkinson will be playing "Shane" at the Difficult to Name Table Read of "Andrea, Inc." by Hallie Cantor on Aug. 30
What was a favorite early role for you as an actor?
It's a tie, but there's a (perhaps telling) connection. The roles were both in High School: Jud Fry in OKLAHOMA! and Harold Hill in THE MUSIC MAN. I loved playing Jud first because playing villains is wicked fun, and he's the only three-dimensional character on the page. Also, I was head-over-heels for the actress playing Laurie and she was dating the actor playing Curly. Which, in case you don't know the play, is the relationship between those characters, as well. The next year, THE MUSIC MAN was a blast -- kind of a dream come true for my little thespian heart -- some of the most fun I've ever had on stage. Also, the same girl ended up playing Marian the Librarian. Of course, at that point, she was dating my best friend; not the Curly guy, another guy. There's no drama quite like high school drama.
Any big plans for Autumn?
I'm hoping to see if the world of voice-over will be as receptive to me as people keep telling me it will, so I'm taking the first steps in that direction. Otherwise, I'll be focusing on a couple of writing projects, while remaining open to any performance opportunities that crop up. I'm also seeking theatrical, VO, and literary representation, which, technically, is a "big plan for Autumn," so... you asked, it's not just a shameless plea on my part to anyone in your readership who might happen to be in a position to take a shot on a fella like me. *ahem* Moving on...
What can people expect from your performance as Shane?
They can expect me doing my very best to live up to Hallie Cantor's wonderful script. Shane is the head-honcho around the office, or so, I imagine, he might describe himself. Otherwise I don't want to say too much because I want people to come to the reading and hear how he fits in with this fantastic ensemble of characters (and commentary) that comprise ANDREA, INC. I will say that I've done some work in the startup sphere, which doesn't leave me bereft of inspiration for Shane... Wondering what I mean by that? Wondering if I'm talking about you because we used to work together? You'll just have to come find out.