Carina Hsieh will be reading at the Difficult to Name Reading Series on Saturday, July 8.
Your Commuter Barbie video has 578,000 views (and counting). What advice do you have for people trying to make ~viral hit videos~, beyond making something that's hilarious + good?
Hmmm I think the most surprising takeaway from that video was not to be scared to go niche. We never would've imagined it taking off or resonating with people outside like, 23 year old women who live off the L train, so it was really nice that people saw themselves in it. Our intention with the video was to throw in jokes that would make us laugh, not necessarily because we thought they'd be like, universal hits. I remember during editing there were a few lines that weren't getting the response I wanted and I really debated cutting them, but in the end I was glad I stuck to my guns because they ended up being some of the most quoted in the press pickup.
You have a lot of great insights into what makes good TV and what makes good TV writing. I don't really have a question here, I'm just publicly recommending people talk to you about your Silicon Valley/Inside Amy Schumer/Handmaid's Tale takes.
This is the best compliment I've ever gotten, thank you! I wanna talk about TV with everyone, always! Obviously I have no hobbies besides critiquing what I could never do! JK hire me for your writers room pls.
What can people expect from your reading?
Hmmm I don't even know what I'll be reading yet! But I love coming in hot on a deadline so it'll probs be manic and fun either way.