Carmen Christopher will be performing at the Difficult to Name Reading Series on Sat. August 12.
I came to your work first through "Little Banks on Wall Street," which is a hilarious and ingeniously constructed web series. Your live performances are equally funny, but they feel as unpredictable as "Little Banks" feels calculated and well-measured. Do you find that working in these two mediums allows you to express different aspects of your comedic interests?
I kind of approach them the same. Go in with a strong game plan but if the energy of the piece or set takes you somewhere else then definitely follow the fun. I like interacting with live audiences, it's fun to connect with people and find comedy in those moments. I like making videos because the piece lasts forever. I love comedy. I love my mom.
You're putting together a lot of shows with The Juice at Union Pool and sketch comedy with Post Men at Union Hall. Are you enjoying performing and putting together shows quite so often or does it ever get exhausting?
It does not get exhausting. I never get tired. I've actually never been tired it's kind of crazy.
What can people expect from your performance?
I hope to give a high energy, well performed, unique live performance that hopefully combines good writing with dumb writing. A funny performance. I'm tryna kill every time I do a show.