Hua Hsu will be reading at The Difficult to Name Reading Series on Saturday, June 11.
Are you doing anything special this summer?
I teach, so summer is usually for unwinding, catching up on rest and delinquent writing assignments, and obsessing over all the mistakes I made in class last semester. And I'm going to visit my parents and more-or-less intact nineties bedroom in the Bay Area. Some friends have invited us to visit them at Sea Ranch, so that should be pretty sick.
What have you worked on in the past year that you're most happy with?
My kid is about nine months old, and the novelty of it all has yet to wear off.
What can people expect from your reading?
My first book just came out, so I might try to gently flog that. Or I might read from something I've been working on for the past 18 years.