Jeff Ihaza will be reading at Difficult to Name on Saturday, September 9
You're one of the smartest people on Twitter and you literally never miss. Did it take you a while to get comfortable using the site or did you find it pretty easy to use right away?
Wow, I never thought I was good at Twitter. Sometimes I get unfollowed by people I like and I’m sure it's because I said something stupid, and I’ll go into a vortex of self-doubt and then just tweet more wild shit. I liked Twitter in the beginning because I’m always watching people and it was a place where I could share my “findings.” Lately, it seems horrible, though. Like the Tower of Babel in the Bible is probably too obvious a metaphor but, I mean, have you been on Twitter lately?
You were on a podcast hosted by your boss. It was a great episode, but was that weird? I don't know if I'd be comfortable being on a podcast with my boss.
Ha, was it good? It was kind of last-minute, we needed a guest and I’m low-key very vain so I just offered to do it. Josh is a great boss, I’m sure there’s a line I shouldn’t cross with him, but I haven’t found it yet which is comforting because, like my tweets, sometimes I say wild shit.
What can people expect from your reading?
I really have no idea. Something nice, uplifting.