Jeremy Nguyen will be reading (and using a projector!) at Difficult to Name on Saturday, Dec. 9
You've been writing some really funny Shouts & Murmurs pieces that incorporate animation. Do you hand those in already created like that or do you work through the concept and animation with an editor?
The Daily Shouts pieces all start out as a pitch of a loose script and maybe a sketch, depending on how much I need to communicate an idea. One piece in particular, the Noises I Heard People Make While Browsing for Books had so many moving parts that I had to send in a single finished gif before the rest of the piece was approved. GIFs comics are still a new frontier, and I couldn't communicate the vision I had for it in a single drawing.
What's your favorite thing to do around the holidays?
I love rewatching Elf and Love Actually. And from the comfort of my couch, I watch Twitter and Instagram fill up with stories of horrible airport problems and plane delays and feel good that I'm not traveling.
What can people expect from your reading?
Whenever I use a projector for any show, you can expect me to be a little out of sorts, covered in flop sweat, and crossing my fingers all because I don't want any embarrassing easily avoidable technical difficulties to happen. Other than that, I hope everyone laughs!