John Bailey Owen will be reading at Difficult to Name on Nov. 7
I've got to be honest, if I had known in August when I scheduled this reading that this was gonna be on the day after the election, I probably would have still scheduled it, but I would have been a lot more like, "Eek." How are you doing in the lead up to the election?
Keeping hope alive! I've been filled with dread and fear at times, particularly climate-related dread and fear. But I'm trying to turn that into resolve. Because what else am I going to do? Just give up? Never! I will help take down the evil freaks who threaten all that is good and delightful about life.
At least that is the spirit I'm trying to inculcate in myself. I bet I can do it.
What are you working on that you're really excited about?
I'm writing for an animated show that premiere in 2019. It's called The Owl House. It's about a human teen who goes to a crazy hell-world and learns to become a witch. It rules and I'm excited to see it fully animated.
I'm also really into growing succulents. I grow many, many of them from seed, so I always have a million extra little plants lying around. Cool ones! But I just toss em, usually, so I want to start selling the extras. I think the succulent-selection in regular stores is boring. The people deserve cooler and weirder succulents!
So I'm having fun thinking about fun ways to do that. Ol' Johnny Succulent, world's first succulent trillionaire. I hope that will be me by this time next year.
Do you have any big Thanksgiving plans?
I'm going to Dallas to hang with my wife's family. It can be pretty delightful there around Thanksgiving. Big weird Christmas lights going up, cozy temps, good food. Dallas is cool.