Julia Edelman will be reading at Difficult to Name on Wednesday, Nov. 7
I've got to be honest, if I had known in August when I scheduled this reading that this was gonna be on the day after the election, I probably would have still scheduled it, but I would have been a lot more like, "Eek." How are you doing in the lead up to the election?
Very nervous, but also cautiously optimistic? I'm canvassing for Katie Hill on Sunday, which will at least make me feel slightly better than just anxiously reloading Twitter. If Tuesday is a complete disaster, then I'm sure the reading on Wednesday will be very fun and light!
What are you working on that you're really excited about?
Right now I'm writing for a currently untitled show on Cartoon Network, which has been great, and trying to adapt my book, "Love Voltaire Us Apart," into a series.
Your book "Love Voltaire Us Apart: A Philosopher’s Guide to Relationships" is based on a piece you wrote for The New Yorker's Shouts & Murmurs. When you wrote that Shouts & Murmurs piece were you like, "Someone is gonna ask me to write this as a book" or was it just like, another Shouts & Murmurs piece?
It was my first published Shouts piece, so definitely not expecting anyone to turn it into a book. It started out as just break-up letters and I thought that would be way too depressing for a book, but I was wrong. People love to feel bummed out!