Kevin Nguyen will be reading at the Difficult to Name Reading Series on Saturday, July 8.
This will be your 7th time reading at Difficult to Name. Do you have a favorite moment from your previous appearances at the series?
Strangely, all the events kind of blur together in my memory—in a good way. The audience is always warm, the readers uniformly terrific. I do remember the early days when DTN was more of a variety show and there'd be more mixed media and musicians. The wild days of DTN!
I feel like GQ has gotten very good since you've started working there. In addition to your work editing, you've also written awesome profiles. Are there any subjects you're especially excited to profile in the future?
Oh thank you. I do the profiles for fun. I don't have any bands in the works right now, but I suppose I should continue my beat of writing about bands I liked in college. Maybe I should do Broken Social Scene?
What can people expect from your reading?
I might mix it up—it being the seventh time and all—and read a small chunk of a longer piece of fiction.