A Brief Interview with Larissa Pham
Larissa Pham will be reading at The Difficult to Name Reading Series on Saturday, July 25.
RS: How's your summer going?
LP: I feel like I'm having a really strong summer moment. It's been a lot of growing, a lot of flexing. I have visions of myself, like, liquefying in a chrysalis somewhere and emerging as a butterfly or maybe a luna moth. I just went blonde, so maybe that's one kind of transformation. Does the butterfly know it was a caterpillar once?
What have you worked on in the past year that you're most happy with?
I've been working on a novel for the past year, but I don't want to talk about it except for that it's turning a corner and I'm excited to finish the first draft. More recently, I've been really pleased with how my Cum Shots column at Nerve is shaping up, especially as installments have started to accumulate. I've wanted to write a sex column for years, but I think I'm just now at a place where I can do it well. I love the idea of telling a narrative in fragments, and in depicting something through a series of glances, quick studies and gestures—I hope if you haven't started it yet you'll read along.
What can people expect from your reading?
I'm not very funny (sorry!) but I've been told I have a lovely and intimate reading voice. I have no idea what I'm going to read yet!