Lynn Yu will be reading at Difficult to Name on Wednesday, November 7
What's your favorite movie of 2018 so far?
Honestly, Crazy Rich Asians. I'm so proud of what that movie means for the industry; beyond the representation, it's a damn good time, Michelle Yeoh slays, and the soundtrack is perfectly curated. From a writing standpoint, a film that I felt slipped under the radar this year was Tully, Diablo Cody's latest. Honest and well-crafted, and Charlize Theron is stellar as always. It was also one of the few movies this year that really surprised me, and anytime a movie can do that, it's a big thumbs up in my book.
What are you working on that you're really excited about?
I'm currently working on a proposal for a non-fiction book on the trivia world — it's part-trivia memoirs, part-investigative journalism into the world of trivia. I'm very excited about this not-so-thinly-veiled vehicle to travel the world playing trivia in awesome new locations.
I know I'm just projecting, but I get really stressed out seeing all the different things you're working on at any given time. You're currently working on a screenplay, a book and you just launched a new company. Is that everything? How do you manage to balance so many different projects?
What balance? I work 7 days a week these days! My trivia company, Trivia LA, is a lot of work right now since we just launched, but it's also incredibly gratifying because I'm working for myself. And we'll soon be crafting the weeknight social scene in Los Angeles; it's wonderful to know that THIS will be my impact on the city. Once the company is really rolling, it'll allow a nice balance between writing and working. At the moment, I've chunked down writing so that I'm accomplishing exactly what I need to each day.
To keep myself sane, I'm learning how to compartmentalize, while also rewarding myself with small treats throughout the day. The treats usually come in the form of "I get to watch a sports game tonight" and "I get to watch football all Sunday long." I'm also letting myself indulge in culinary delights. Good, quality meals are always worth the money.