Malaka Gharib will be reading at Difficult to Name in Washington, D.C. on May 10.
You're an editor for NPR, reporting on such topics as the humanitarian aid sector, gender equality, and innovation in the developing world. How did you first become interested in covering such subjects?
I spent a lot of time in Egypt and was fascinated by the social norms and customs. Women and men sat separately. We had a 9-year-old maid. I experienced street harassment. When I grew up I wanted to know why.
You have a dual degree from Syracuse University in journalism and marketing. How have you found that your experience with marketing has helped you as a journalist?
If you want to get people reading your story, you have to hustle to get it out there. The real work starts after you hit "publish."
What can people expect from your reading?
A deeper understanding of the Arab woman. Inshallah.