Mary Boo Anderson will be reading at Difficult to Name on Saturday, Nov. 11
In addition to your work as a writer, you've had your art featured in a number of exhibitions. Do you find that the two types of work inform one another or do you keep them separate?
They definitely inform each other. Unfortunately, I have trouble compartmentalizing anything in my life. Feel like my art and writing are similar in theme, different in packaging.
What have you worked on in 2017 that you're most proud of?
This summer I got really into making twitter bots. I made a few: a bot that uses Rupi Kaur's poetry, a bot that uses the messages people have sent me on Tinder, and a bot based on my own tweets. And while I'm proud of all my bots, I'm especially excited by the poetry I've been writing with my personal bot.
What can people expect from your reading?
Me embarrassing myself.