Melissa Rocha will be reading at Difficult to Name on Saturday, April 8th at Study Hall Gowanus
You're a very funny comic and you were the co-host of the really great show Just Pussy. Do you want to host another show in the future or are you more focused on performing right now?
I want to do both. I love hosting because it gives me the chance to meet new comics/performers. I'm working on getting a new venue for a new show. I'll keep the new one mostly people of color-- not just for normalcy purposes but also for myself. It gets lonely in the white world sometimes.
Your Instagram is great because people might think it would be too high-brow since you work at Film Forum, but it's really a great mix of styles -- captions from Must Love Dogs, a photo of Hi Chews. What advice do you have for people with bad instagram accounts?
I would say don't take it too srsly. Nobody is following you that doesn't want to follow you. IG is a fun waste of time to me. I spend a lot of time on my own-- so my mind wanders. Sometimes things work and sometimes they're too stupid to work. The best is when IGs happen IRL without intervention. My favorite was a bodega fridge getting tossed with the a sign "Garbage but works fine." Perfect selfie prop.
What can people expect from your reading?
My reading will be light hearted and funny.