Sandra Allen will be reading at The Difficult to Name Reading Series on Saturday, July 25.
RS: How's your summer going?
SA: My summer has been great. I went to Panama, I baked my to-date best looking and most delicious apple pie, and I sold my first book.
What have you worked on in the past year that you're most happy with?
I've been working on the book for a number of years so while I'm very thrilled by the sale, I'm more proud of a feature story I've been writing. It comes out on BuzzFeed (where I work) on Thursday 7/9 and is about mental illness and police violence. (Ed. note: it's published and it's brilliant -- check it out here)
What can people expect from your reading?
Hopefully they'll be pleasantly surprised that despite all my work lately generally being about mental illness and generally being really depressing, I have read something not really depressing.