Sarah Bridgins will be reading at Difficult to Name at Study Hall Gowanus on Sat. May 13.
You're the co-host of Ditmas Lit, which is a really tremendous event and a great time. How did you and your co-host Rachel come up with the idea for the series?
I live in Ditmas Park and we both spent a lot of time at Sycamore bar last summer. We noticed they were hosting more events and thought it could be a fun place to do a show. There weren't any reading series in the neighborhood and we thought it was something the community would really get behind. There are a ton of writers who live in the neighborhood. It ended up being a big hit, and after a great run at Sycamore we just moved the series to Hinterlands bar on Church Ave. last month.
What do you think is going to be The Song of the Summer?
All of the music I listen to is old. My personal song of the summer is going to be Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac. A friend recently mentioned she was listening to it on repeat and now I am too. It's a good song to cry and have strong feelings to.
What can people expect from your reading?
Humor and death.